Daniel Eric Parker

Photo of Daniel

Assistant Professor of Physics, UCSD

arXiv | Google Scholar | CV

danielericparker — at — ucsd — dot — edu

About Me

I am an Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of California at San Diego.

My research interests lie in strongly correlated electronic systems, quantum dynamics, and mathematical physics. I am currently studying twisted bilayer graphene and other moire materials with computational and analytic methods to find fractional quantum Hall states without magnetic fields. I also study quantum dynamics, trying to understand quantum chaos in terms of Lanczos coefficients.

I previously worked at Havard University, in the group of Prof. Ashvin Vishwanath (2020-2023) and at UC Berkeley in the group of Prof. Mike Zaletel (Fall 2023).

Outside of physics, I can often be found reading, running, cooking, baking, and hiking.


University of California, Berkeley
PhD, Physics
Advisor: Joel Moore
2015 — 2020.

Brown University.
Sc.B. Mathematics, Sc.B. Physics with Honors, magna cum laude
2011 — 2015.


Tensor Network Python (TeNPy) version 1
Johannes Hauschild, Jakob Unfried, Sajant Anand, Bartholomew Andrews, Marcus Bintz, Umberto Borla, Stefan Divic, Markus Drescher, Jan Geiger, Martin Hefel, Kévin Hémery, Wilhelm Kadow, Jack Kemp, Nico Kirchner, Vincent S. Liu, Gunnar Möller, Daniel Parker, Michael Rader, Anton Romen, Samuel Scalet, Leon Schoonderwoerd, Maximilian Schulz, Tomohiro Soejima, Philipp Thoma, Yantao Wu, Philip Zechmann, Ludwig Zweng, Roger S. K. Mong, Michael P. Zaletel, Frank Pollmann
August 2024.
arXiv: 2408.02010 | In Review

Imaging Coulomb interactions and migrating Dirac cones in twisted graphene by local quantum oscillations
Matan Bocarsly, Indranil Roy, Vishal Bhardwaj, Matan Uzan, Patrick Ledwith, Gal Shavit, Nasrin Banu, Yaozhang Zhou, Yuri Myasoedov, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Yuval Oreg, Dan Parker, Yuval Ronen, Eli Zeldov
July 2024.
arXiv: 2407.10675 | In Review

Strong interactions and isospin symmetry breaking in a supermoiré lattice
Yonglong Xie*, Andrew T. Pierce*, Jeong Min Park*, Daniel E. Parker, Jie Wang, Patrick Ledwith, Zhuozhen Cai, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Eslam Khalaf, Ashvin Vishwanath, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Amir Yacoby
April 2024.
arXiv: 2404.01372 | In Review

Anomalous Hall Crystals in Rhombohedral Multilayer Graphene II: General Mechanism and a Minimal Model
Tomohiro Soejima*, Junkai Dong*, Taige Wang, Tianle Wang, Michael P. Zaletel, Ashvin Vishwanath, and Daniel E. Parker
Mar. 2024.
arXiv: 2403.05522 | In Review

Higher vortexability: zero field realization of higher Landau levels
Manato Fujimoto, Daniel E. Parker, Junkai Dong, Eslam Khalaf, Ashvin Vishwanath, Patrick Ledwith
Mar. 2024.
arXiv: 2403.00856 | In Review

Anomalous Hall Crystals in Rhombohedral Multilayer Graphene I: Interaction-Driven Chern Bands and Fractional Quantum Hall States at Zero Magnetic Field
Junkai Dong*, Taige Wang*, Tianle Wang*, Tomohiro Soejima, Michael P. Zaletel, Ashvin Vishwanath, and Daniel E. Parker
Nov. 2023.
arXiv: 2311.05568 | In Review
Publicity: Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, Nature News

Superconductivity in a Topological Lattice Model with Strong Repulsion
Rahul Sahay*, Stefan Divic*, Daniel E. Parker, Tomohiro Soejima, Sajant Anand, Johannes Hauschild, Monika Aidelsburger, Ashvin Vishwanath, Shubhayu Chatterjee, Norman Y. Yao, and Michael P. Zaletel
August 2023.
arXiv: 2308.10935 | In Review

Composite Fermi Liquid at Zero Magnetic Field in Twisted MoTe2
Junkai Dong, Jie Wang, Patrick J. Ledwith, Ashvin Vishwanath, and Daniel E. Parker
Physical Review Letters (Editor's Suggestion). June 2023.
arXiv: 2306.01719 | DOI
Publicity: APS Viewpoint by Prof. Jainendra Jain, Physical Review Journal Club

Kekulé spiral order in magic-angle graphene: a density matrix renormalization group study
Tianle Wang, Daniel E. Parker, Tomohiro Soejima, Johannes Hauschild, Sajant Anand, Nick Bultinck, and Michael P. Zaletel
Physical Review B. December 2023.
arXiv: 2211.02693 | DOI

Untwisting moiré physics: Almost ideal bands and fractional Chern insulators in periodically strained monolayer graphene
Qiang Gao, Junkai Dong, Patrick Ledwith, Daniel E. Parker, and Eslam Khalaf
Physical Review Letters. November 2022.
arXiv: 2211.00658 | DOI
Cover Image of Physical Review Letters, Vol. 131, Issue 9.

Vortexability: A Unifying Criterion for Ideal Fractional Chern Insulators
Patrick J. Ledwith, Ashvin Vishwanath, Daniel E. Parker
Physical Review B (Editor's Suggestion). November 2023.
arXiv: 2209.15023 | DOI

Unusual magnetotransport in twisted bilayer graphene
Joe Finney, Aaron L. Sharpe, Eli J. Fox, Connie L. Hsueh, Daniel E. Parker, Matthew Yankowitz, Shaowen Chen, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Cory R. Dean, Ashvin Vishwanath, Marc Kastner, David Goldhaber-Gordon.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. April 2022.
arXiv: 2105.01870 | DOI

Optically-induced Umklapp shift currents in striped cuprates
Pavel E. Dolgirev, Marios H. Michael, Jonathan B. Curtis, Daniel E. Parker, Daniele Nicoletti, Michele Buzzi, Michael Fechner, Andrea Cavalleri, Eugene Demler, March 2022.
Physical Review B. Jan. 2024.
arXiv:2203.04687 | DOI

Field-tuned and zero-field fractional Chern insulators in magic angle graphene
Daniel Parker, Patrick Ledwith, Eslam Khalaf, Tomohiro Soejima, Johannes Hauschild, Yonglong Xie, Andrew Pierce, Michael P. Zaletel, Amir Yacoby, Ashvin Vishwanath
December 2021.
arXiv: 2112.13837 | In Review

Fractional Chern insulators in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
Yonglong Xie, Andrew T. Pierce, Jeong Min Park, Daniel E. Parker, Eslam Khalaf, Patrick Ledwith, Yuan Cao, Seung Hwan Lee, Shaowen Chen, Patrick R. Forrester, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Ashvin Vishwanath, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Amir Yacoby
Nature. December 2021.
arXiv: 2107.10854 | DOI
Publicity: SciTechDaily

Unconventional sequence of correlated Chern insulators in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
Andrew T. Pierce, Yonglong Xie, Jeong Min Park, Eslam Khalaf, Seung Hwan Lee, Yuan Cao, Daniel E. Parker, Patrick R. Forrester, Shaowen Chen, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Ashvin Vishwanath, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Amir Yacoby
Nature Physics. September 2021.
arXiv: 2101.04123 | DOI

Strain-induced quantum phase transitions in magic angle graphene
Daniel E. Parker, Tomohiro Soejima, Johannes Hauschild, Michael P. Zaletel, Nick Bultinck
Physical Review Letters (Editor's Suggestion). July 2021.
arXiv: 2012.09885 | DOI
Publicity: Phys.org Feature , APS Physics Synopsis

Efficient simulation of moire materials using the density matrix renormalization group
Tomohiro Soejima, Daniel E. Parker, Nick Bultinck, Johannes Hauschild, Michael P. Zaletel.
Physical Review B (Editor's Suggestion). September 2020.
arXiv: 2009.02354 | DOI

Half-magnetization plateau and the origin of threefold symmetry breaking in a triangular frustrated antiferromagnet
Shannon C. Haley, Eran Maniv, Taylor Cookmeyer, Nikola Maksimovic, Daniel E. Parker, Caolan John, Spencer Doyle, Sophie F. Weber, Jeffrey B. Neaton, John Singleton, Joel Moore, James G. Analytis
Physical Review Research. October 2020.
arXiv: 2002.02960 | DOI

Local Matrix Product Operators: Canonical Form, Compression, & Control Theory
Daniel E. Parker, Xiangyu Cao, Michael P. Zaletel
Physical Review B. July 2020.
arXiv: 1909.06341 | DOI

A Universal Operator Growth Hypothesis
Daniel E. Parker, Xiangyu Cao, Alex Avdoshkin, Thomas Scaffidi, Ehud Altman
Physical Review X. October 2019.
arXiv: 1812.08657 | DOI

Topologically-Protected Long Edge Coherence Times in Symmetry-Broken Phases
Daniel E. Parker, Romain Vasseur, Thomas Scaffidi.
Physical Review Letters. June 2019.
arXiv: 1808.07485 | DOI

Diagrammatic approach to nonlinear optical response with application to Weyl semimetals.
Daniel E. Parker, Takahiro Morimoto, Joseph Orenstein, Joel E. Moore.
Physical Review B. January 2019.
arXiv: 1807.09285 | DOI

Resonance-enhanced optical nonlinearity in the Weyl semimetal TaAs.
Shreyas Patankar, Liang Wu, Baozhu Lu, Manita Rai, Jason D. Tran, T. Morimoto, D. Parker, Adolfo Grushin, N. L. Nair, J. G. Analytis, J. E. Moore, J. Orenstein, Darius H. Torchinsky.
Physical Review B. October 2018.
arXiv:1804.06973 | DOI

Topological Luttinger liquids from decorated domain walls.
Daniel E. Parker, Thomas Scaffidi, Romain Vasseur.
Physical Review B. April 2018.
arXiv:1711:09106 | DOI

Gapless Symmetry Protected Topological Order.
Thomas Scaffidi, Daniel E. Parker, Romain Vasseur.
Physical Review X. October 2017.
arXiv:1705.01557 | DOI

Entanglement Entropy in Excited States of the Quantum Lifshitz Model.
Daniel E. Parker, Romain Vasseur, J.E. Moore.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. May 2017.
arXiv:1702.07433 | DOI

Hedgehog Bases for An Cluster Polylogarithms and An Application to Six-Point Amplitudes.
Daniel E. Parker, Adam Scherlis, Marcus Spradlin, Anastasia Volovich.
Journal of High Energy Physics. November 2015.
arXiv:1507.01950 | DOI

LIBS and ablation threshold analysis using a megahertz Yb fiber laser oscillator.
Gregory J. Parker, Daniel E. Parker, Bai Nie, Vadim Lozovoy and Marcos Dantus.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. May 2015.

Cluster Algebra Structures for Scattering Amplitudes in N = 4 Super Yang-Mills.
Daniel Parker
Senior Thesis, Physics Department, Brown University. May 2015.

Code and Packages


A Julia package that makes exact diagonalization straightforward, especially when working with symmetries.
GitHub | Documentation


Local Operators and Quantum Chaos
PhD Thesis. Advisor: Joel Moore. Summer 2020

Cluster Algebra Structures for Scattering Amplitudes in N=4 Super Yang-Mills
Undergraduate Thesis. Advisor: Anastasia Volovich. Spring 2015

Talks and Conferences

Efficient simulation of moire materials using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG for tBLG)
Condensed Matter Seminar
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 13 October 2020.

Efficient simulation of moire materials using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG for tBLG)
Condensed Matter Seminar
Harvard University, Cambridge. 24 September 2020.

A Universal Operator Growth Hypothesis
Condensed Matter Seminar
Harvard University, Cambridge. 11 December 2019.

A Universal Operator Growth Hypothesis
Condensed Matter Seminar
Stanford University, Palo Alto. 20 November 2019.

A Universal Operator Growth Hypothesis
Condensed Matter Seminar
Flatiron Institute, NY. 4 November 2019.

A Universal Operator Growth Hypothesis
Conference Talk
APS March Meeting
Boston, MA. 4 March 2019.

An Operator Growth Hypothesis
Quantum Materials Seminar (290K)
Physics Department, Berkeley, CA. 23 January 2019.

Topologically-Protected Long Edge Coherence Times in Symmetry-Broken Phases.
Conference Poster
Novel Approaches to Quantum Dynamics.
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA. 27-31 August 2018.

Topologically-Protected Long Edge Coherence Times in Symmetry-Broken Phases.
Conference Poster
Workshop on Advances in Non-Fermi Liquids.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. 15-17 August 2018.

Gauge-Invariant Cumulants and Second Harmonic Generation
Quantum Materials Seminar (290K)
Physics Department, Berkeley, CA. 4 April 2018.

Gapless Symmetry Protected Topological Phases
Conference Talk
APS March Meeting
Los Angeles, CA. 4 March 2018.

Hedgehog Bases: A taste of the mathematics and physics of scattering amplitudes.
Math, Physics, and Gauge Theory Seminar.
Math & Physics Departments, Michigan State University. 30 March 2017.

Cluster Algebra Structures for Scattering Amplitudes in N = 4 Super Yang-Mills.
Combinatorics Seminar
Math Department, UC Berkeley. 2 November 2015 2017.


Physics H7B
Honors Physics for Scientists and Enginners
Fall 2016.
Honors introductory electromagnetism at UC Berkeley. Taught from Purcell. Graduate Student Instructor for one section of thirty students. Supervisor: Prof. Irfan Siddiqi.

Physics 7B
Physics for Scientists and Enginners
Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016.
Introductory electromagnetism for engineering students at UC Berkeley. Graduate Student Instructor for two sections of twenty students per semester. Supervisors: various. Practice Problems and Solutions

LaTeX Workshop
Fall 2014, Spring 2015.
Four six-week workshop series on LaTeX (a technical document preparation system) through the Brown University Science Center. Developed a curriculum from scratch, created ten two-hour lectures, wrote extensive notes, supervised four other instructors, and taught dozens of students.